Practitioners and researchers as alienated lovers in management and governance: A new journal to the rescue!




Researcher-practitioner exchange, third mission, new journal, open access, public management, public governance


In the field of management and governance, researchers and practitioners go hand in hand in terms of topical interests and they can benefit from regular thought exchanges and various concrete collaborations. However, an increased alienation between the interests of researchers and practitioners can be observed in terms of different career incentives, organizational targets, and institutional cultures. The goal of this editorial article is (i) to pinpoint symptoms of this alienation between researchers and practitioners, and (ii) to highlight the need for a forum where high-quality research can be made accessible to practitioner audiences. As an editorial article, this article marks the launch of a new journal—Public Management and Governance Review—which aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to interact, reflect, and elaborate in a robust and scientific but also broadly accessible way on various challenges in the field of public management and governance.

Author Biography

Jurgen Willems, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Jurgen Willems is professor for Public Management & Governance at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. He is also academic director of the Executive MBA program on Healthcare Management at the WU Executive Academy. His teaching covers various management topics, including Organizational Behavior, Management & Digital Transformation, and Public and Nonprofit Governance. His research covers a variety of topics on citizen-state and citizen-society interactions.


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Editorial Logo (based on painting of Lisa Sauberer)


